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Ultimate Guide On How To Clean Sustainably

Written by Travis McCutchen | Nov 29, 2022 12:30:00 PM


Everyone desires to have a clean, healthy, and beautiful home. But how can you ensure that your cleaning routine has minimal environmental impact? Cleaning sustainably is an excellent way to reduce your ecological footprint while still getting the job done.

Sustainability is a big word. It brings to mind images of trees, pandas, and recycling. But what does it mean for you? We’re not just talking about being kind to the earth: sustainability in the home has far-reaching implications that extend from your wallet to your carbon footprint. 

A sustainable lifestyle involves making choices that are good for the environment rather than bad. And while this might seem like an uphill battle, we can do many small things daily to help make the world a better place. 

It doesn’t take much time (or money) to clean sustainably – you don’t have to go out and buy new cleaning materials or upgrade your appliances. Simply changing your habits will make a massive difference to both your bank balance and the environment. 

This guide to eco-friendly tips covers everything you need to know about green cleaning and how to implement its principles into your everyday life without sacrificing cleanliness.

Why Conserve?

If you’re reading this, you’re likely aware that the planet’s health is not excellent. If you’re reading this and are unaware, you should be! Nearly every aspect of our lives directly or indirectly affects the environment, from the food we eat to the water we drink and the air we breathe.

Our homes are where we spend the most time, but they are also where we can make the most significant impact. There are many reasons to adopt a more sustainable way of cleaning your home, but the main ones are that it will save money and protect the environment.

Humans are an intelligent species. We’ve invented cars and computers and even discovered how to fly. But with this innovation comes a price – our planet is not infinite. Without careful conservation, we risk losing its natural resources (such as water, soil, or forests) forever. 

As humans, we should protect the planet for future generations – if not for any other reason, so we have somewhere left to live when we’re old!

Reasons Why You Need To Start Conserving Our Natural Resources

The more we understand the importance of natural resources, the better equipped we are to make a positive difference in the future of our planet. So, let’s look at the reasons why you need to start conserving our natural resources:

The environment - The planet’s natural resources provide us with the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. Environmental pollution is one of the biggest threats to the planet’s biodiversity, partly because pollutants like carbon dioxide can remain in the atmosphere for decades.

Natural resources - Without natural resources such as clean water, fertile soil, and a stable climate, it’s almost impossible to survive. Unfortunately, these resources' finite supply is being used at an alarming rate.

Water, soil, forests, etc. – are used up as we extract them from the planet’s crust, and they can be replenished, but it takes time. Unfortunately, we’re currently consuming them around 100 times faster than they can be replenished.

This means that the resources we depend on to sustain ourselves are running out and need to be replaced faster.

Protect The Environment

It may seem like a bold claim, but the environment is the key to our survival. We rely on the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil we grow our food in. If any of these become polluted, it is the environment that suffers.

As the population grows, environmental issues will become more and more pressing. If we do not take the environment seriously now, we may find ourselves in a situation where we have no water to drink or air to breathe and forests that are too polluted to sustain life.

Preserve Natural Resources For Future Generations

Most of us work hard to earn a living, but how much money do you think goes back into the environment? Research shows that as little as 5% of our total income is put back into the environment.

If we continue to consume natural resources at our current rate, we risk ending up with an uninhabitable planet. It’s estimated that if we don’t make changes, our planet’s oceans could be completely depleted of fish by 2048!

By taking steps to conserve our natural resources today, we allow future generations to benefit from what is left. If we do not make changes now, our children and grandchildren may be left with little or no natural resources to sustain themselves.

Help Stabilize Climate Change

Climate change can be one of the most devastating outcomes of resource depletion, and it’s something we need to take seriously.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that the world’s climate will be significantly warmer by the end of this century. The effects are felt most heavily in tropical regions, followed by sub-tropical areas.

Environmentalists and scientists believe that one of the most effective ways of combating climate change is by reducing the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere.

Save Money By Using Less

If you want to start saving money for a rainy day, one of the easiest ways is to reduce your ‘carbon footprint.’ Carbon footprints are the adverse effects our lifestyle has on the environment.

For example, cars produce large amounts of CO2, contributing to climate change. By reducing your carbon footprint, you can not only help protect the environment, but you can also save money by using less.

Safeguard Rare Elements That Are Becoming Scarce

As our natural resources are depleted, we realize that many are crucial to our ongoing development and technological advancement. Rare earth elements are one of the most critical natural resources we need for modern life.

These are used in everything from electronics to solar panels. Unfortunately, many rare elements are becoming increasingly scarce due to high demand. We need to start conserving our natural resources now to avoid running out of these crucial elements.

Here are some tips on how to clean sustainably:

Avoid Air Fresheners

Air fresheners are convenient for quickly disguising unwanted odors, but they typically contain synthetic fragrances that can harm your health and the environment. Try using natural alternatives like plants or essential oils to make your home smell pleasant without having a negative impact on nature.

Ways To Avoid Using Air Fresheners In Your Home

You have probably noticed many people using air fresheners to make their homes smell nice. After all, who wants to live in a home that smells like old socks? Unfortunately, most people use artificial fragrances in their homes because they don’t know any other way to achieve an odorless space.

It is time to put this practice to an end and start living odor-free from now on. Here are ways to avoid using air fresheners in your home so that you will never have to buy them again. Keeping your home fresh and clean should be easy.

Change Your Bedding

Changing your bedding is the easiest way to remove any lingering scents that may have been left behind. This includes your sheets, blankets, and pillowcases, as well as your mattress topper. This is a cheap and easy solution if you often change scents. You can also try washing your bedding more often to remove odors.

If you have pets, you will want to wash your bedding more often than the average person. The drool, hair, and smell of the litter box will all collect on your blankets and sheets. This cannot be easy to clean, so having a regular wash cycle for your bedding will save you a lot of time and energy in the long run.

Open The Windows

If you haven’t done so, open up your windows. This will allow the fresh air to cleanse your home of all lingering scents. Once the air is clean, you can shut the windows again. This is a great way to remove unwanted smells without cleaning or using artificial fragrances.

During the winter, leave the windows closed. This is because cold air can cause static in your curtains, creating an unpleasant smell. You can try using indoor plants to freshen the air while they act as natural air purifiers.

This is also an excellent option for growing indoor plants indoors. You should keep a few plants in different rooms of your house, depending on their scents. You could also try burning scented candles, a great alternative to burning incense.

Baking Soda Is Your Friend

Baking soda is a great alternative to air fresheners and perfumes because it is natural and free of harmful chemicals. Many people now use baking soda to clean their homes because it is a cheap and easy cleaning solution. It is also very easy to use baking soda to remove odors in your home.

Sprinkle some in a bowl and place it in the area that smells the worst. You could also put a little bit of baking soda in a vacuum bag to remove dust and odors at the same time. Not only will baking soda help to remove the odors in your home, but it will also help prevent them from returning.

Baking soda paste is another great way to keep your home clean and free of odors. Mix some baking soda with water until it forms a paste. You can then use this paste to scrub away any dirt or odors that may have accumulated in your home.

Baking soda has powerful deodorizing properties, making it an excellent choice for cleaning. You can use baking soda in the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. You can also put baking soda in your shoes every day to prevent foot odor. It also works to remove odors from your shoes.

Eliminate The Source Of The Odor

If you have tried everything and your home still smells, you may need to get rid of the source of the odor. This could be as simple as cleaning your refrigerator or changing the litter box. If an unpleasant smell comes from a specific area, then you should look at how often you clean that area.

The filth in some of your most ignored areas is causing a foul smell throughout your home. You will want to clean the refrigerator at least once a month or more if you cook often. It would be best if you also considered cleaning the cabinets underneath it to eliminate any dirt or grime built over time.

You may also want an odor-removal product like the Fridge Cleaner to help with the cleaning process. Changing the litter box often is important because it is the primary cause of the litter box smell. It would be best if you also changed the litter once a month. 

It would be best if you also cleaned all of the surrounding areas as well since cat litter is messy stuff. Mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda to scrub away any dirt and debris.

Once you have eliminated the source of the odor, make sure that you keep a regular cleaning schedule for your home so that odors do not come back. This will help to ensure that your home is always fresh and clean. Regularly washing bedding, curtains, and rugs can help to keep your home smelling nice and fresh.

Clean Your Home

You may also want to clean your home more often. This will help remove any lingering odors and clean your home from top to bottom simultaneously. If you like to clean as you go, you can use natural products to clean the areas that smell.

If you like to clean a little bit more at a time, you can use natural cleaning products to clean your home. You can make your all-purpose cleaner by combining water and vinegar. You can also create a cleaning solution by combining baking soda, water, and essential oils.

These are all-natural ingredients that will leave your home smelling clean. You can also try cleaning your home with baking soda. You can clean your oven, refrigerator, furniture, and just about any other surface you want. It is a much cheaper alternative to most cleaning products on the market.

Conventional cleaners are also an option if you prefer them, but they may contain harmful chemicals that can be dangerous to your health. Whenever possible, opt for the more natural products as they will usually be much safer for you and the environment. DIY cleaners are also an option, as they are often more economical than traditional store-bought products.

Use Natural Cleaners

Using natural cleaners is another way to clean your home without worrying about harmful chemicals. You can make your cleaning products from scratch by combining baking soda, water, and essential oils. You can also purchase cleaning products that are made with natural ingredients. You can find these cleaning products in most grocery stores and online.

Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar can also be used to clean your home. Hydrogen peroxide is a great choice for cleaning bathrooms and kitchens because it is an effective disinfectant. 

Vinegar can also be used to clean floors, countertops, and any other surface. Vinegar solution is another excellent natural cleaner. It is great for cleaning windows, mirrors, and even stainless steel. You can also use vinegar to clean your floors and other surfaces.

You can clean your entire home with these cleaning products. You can clean your floors and furniture, your countertops, and your appliances. You can also use these cleaning products to clean your laundry and dishes.

These natural cleaning solutions will leave your home smelling fresh and clean without harming your health or the health of your loved ones.

Change Up Your Diet

Another way to eliminate odors in your home is by changing your diet. You may notice that you have a certain smell when you sweat. This is because foods like garlic and onion cause your body to release a gas that smells. If you eat a lot of these foods, you will smell more than usual.

If you want to reduce the amount of odors in your home, you will want to reduce the amount of these foods you eat. You can cut back on the amount of garlic and onions you eat. You can also eat more foods that are high in fiber and that are natural deodorizers. This includes things like apples and carrots.

Try Essential Oils

You can also try essential oils to eliminate odors in your home. This is an excellent way to clean your home without using harmful chemicals.

You can add a couple of drops of essential oils to a water bowl and then place it in the area that smells the worst. You can also put a few drops of essential oils in a diffuser to spread the scent throughout your home. It is crucial to choose the right oils for the job.

For example, if your home smells musty, you will want to use an oil known for removing musty odors. There are wide varieties of essential oils that are great for cleaning. You can use them for many different things around the house.

Rotate House Plants

House plants are a great way to keep your home clean and fresh. They are also excellent at removing toxins from the air. There are plenty of plants out there that are great at cleaning your air and keeping your home fresh. Some are good at removing odors, while others are great at

Reuse Materials

Don’t waste paper towels, sponges, and other materials used for cleaning. Instead, look for ways to reuse them by washing and sanitizing them after each use. You can also opt for reusable cloths or rags that you can use over and over again.

Microfiber cloths are a great choice because they are highly absorbent and can be washed and reused. Look for eco-friendly cleaning products that come in recyclable packaging or are refillable so you can reduce your waste.

Use Green Products

Look for eco-friendly cleaning products that are made from renewable ingredients like plant-derived oils or enzymes, which are non-toxic and biodegradable. These products may be more expensive than traditional cleaners, but they’re worth the extra cost as they have minimal impact on the environment.

Eco-friendly cleaning brands like Method, Seventh Generation, and Ecover are widely available in stores or online.

Choose Refillable Containers

Avoid single-use plastics wherever possible by choosing refillable containers instead of disposables when buying detergents and cleaners. Not only will this save you money in the long run, but it will also help reduce plastic waste from entering our oceans and landfills.

The Benefits Of Avoiding Single-Use Plastic And Why You Should Start Doing It Now

We’re all aware of the environmental impacts of plastic and the urgency to reduce its use. In fact, there have been so many stories about the dangers of plastic that it can be overwhelming. How do you make sense of it all? What actions can you take to help protect the environment? Where do you even begin?

Since reducing plastic requires a shift in routine, most people don’t think about these things on an everyday basis. Instead, we get accustomed to our habits and don’t question them as much as we should.

The impact of plastic is real, but how can you make a difference? Here are several reasons you should avoid single-use plastic and adopt new practices.

You’ll Help Stop The Tragedy Of Marine Life

Plastic pollution is the number one threat to the ocean and all the life within it. If you’ve seen photos of sea turtles tangled up in a plastic net or seabirds with bellies full of bottle caps, it’s easy to be disgusted.

But why? What do these pictures mean? What’s the real impact? Ocean life mistakes plastic bags, wrappers, and bottles for food and edible organisms. When they ingest plastic, it causes digestive blockages and starvation or toxicity.

Sadly, this is oftentimes fatal for the animals. If we don’t make a change, there could be more plastic than fish in our oceans by 2050.

You’ll Reduce Your Exposure To Toxic Chemicals

A study in the journal Science found that 80 percent of all the world’s marine mammals have ingested plastic. Ninety-five percent of all birds in the United States are at risk of ingesting plastic or getting caught.

The numbers are even higher for sea turtles. A study of sea turtles in Costa Rica found that 99.9 percent have ingested plastic. Humans are responsible for this. We’re pouring tons of plastic into the sea every year. Marine animals don’t have the option to stop eating fish because they are at the bottom of the food chain.

This means they’re eating plastic, which contains toxic chemicals like BPA, a synthetic estrogen linked to numerous health problems. When you choose reusable containers and bags, you reduce your exposure to these dangerous substances.

You’ll Help Improve Air Quality

Plastic pollution doesn’t just stop at water. It also affects air quality, particularly in cities and heavily populated areas. Research has found that air pollution from the plastic can travel thousands of miles from its source.

So, if you live in a large city, chances are you’re inhaling tons of plastic. While we don’t fully understand the long-term health impacts of breathing in plastic, we do know that it’s bad for the environment. Air pollution causes a range of problems for animals and plants, including stunted growth.

It also harms human health, contributing to conditions like asthma and heart disease. When you choose reusable bags and dishes, you’re helping to reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in the air.

It’s A No-Brainer: The Environment Isn’t Going To Save Itself

We’ve all seen the photos: beaches filled with plastic bottles and bags, seabirds dying from stomachs full of plastic, and fish swimming in plastic-infested waters. It’s easy to feel hopeless when you look at these images.

But what can you do? You might only be able to clean up some of the ocean, but you can reduce your plastic use. Every little bit makes a difference.

The environmental protection agency recommends that everyone cut back on single-use plastics and switch to reusable items. Making the switch can help you feel empowered, knowing that your actions are making a difference.

Reduce Your Reliance On Disposable Products.

Many cleaning products come in disposable packaging, which will end up in the landfill at some point and may also contain harmful chemicals that may be released into the atmosphere as they break down.

These products are often also made from non-renewable resources like crude oil, which can take a very long time to replenish and is also a non-renewable source of energy. This is a long-term issue, but even in the short term, the chemicals in your cleaning products can impact your health and that of your loved ones.

A spray bottle, some white vinegar, and a few drops of essential oils can do the same job as chemical-laden products. Not only will you be reducing your plastic use, but you’ll also be reducing your exposure to harsh chemicals and keeping your home cleaner.

Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dryer – Use It Efficiently!

The average American household spends over $2400 per year on utilities. This is money that, in theory, could be spent on something more practical, like pandas!

Most of your utility bill comes from heating your home, and the second-largest contributor is your washing machine. If your clothes are still wet when they go in the drier, you’re wasting energy.

The less wet your clothes are, the less energy you’ll consume. Most of the energy you consume when you put your clothes in the drier comes from the drying process – not from heating your home. To avoid overdoing it, use the air dry function on your dryer whenever possible.

Install A Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat can reduce your energy consumption by up to 10%. Humans forget things, and humans also procrastinate. We’re not perfect, and we will forget to turn off the heating/cooling system on a regular basis.

A programmable thermostat can remind you when your heating/cooling system should be turned off for the day. It’s a small thing, but it can save you a lot of money.

Go Digital: Motion Sensors, Smart Bulbs, And More

Motion sensors are great for lights. These devices automatically turn on your lights when they detect motion and turn them off a set amount of time after you leave the room.

This is great for two reasons: it reduces the amount of electricity you consume and keeps your home safe from burglars! Since lights consume the most energy in most households, you should replace your incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient fluorescent bulbs.

Take Care Of Your Stuff: Vacuum, Repair, And Replace As Needed

While cleaning, you’ll likely notice that some items are in worse shape than others. You should regularly clean to avoid paying for expensive repairs and take care of your stuff.

Clean your appliances regularly to remove built-up grime and lint buildup (even if they have a self-cleaning feature). Bumpers on your furniture and vacuum cleaner bags are cheap and easy to replace when they wear out, but they’re often forgotten.

Remember To Recycle!

Not all waste can be avoided, but you can reduce the amount you produce by shopping wisely. Many household items (e.g., toothbrushes, cleaning products) are recyclable, so you should make every effort to put them in the correct bin.

Keep as much waste out of the landfill as you can, and you’re doing a service not only for yourself but for the entire planet.

How To Reduce, Reuse And Recycle At Home

Recycling is a good start, but it isn’t the end. There are other ways you can reduce your carbon footprint and reuse materials to save money and resources, too. 

Reducing, reusing, and recycling at home all help to decrease your carbon footprint and protect the environment for future generations. These practices can be challenging for most people living in a modern society with so many accessible goods that are made from materials that cannot be easily reused or recycled.

But there are ways to responsibly address these needs while also making your life simpler and more eco-friendly in the process.

Reduce The Amount Of Waste You Produce In Your Home

First, let’s talk about reducing the amount of waste you produce at home. With some careful planning and a few simple changes to your lifestyle, you can significantly reduce your waste output.

- Buy in bulk: This ensures that you don’t have a ton of plastic bags taking up space in your house, and it reduces the carbon footprint of shipping by packaging.

- Dine al fresco: Take your next meal outside to reduce the amount of paper plates, cups, and plastic cutlery you use.

- Use reusable bags: This can be as simple as using a reusable cloth bag at the grocery store.

- Switch to paper towels: Instead of using disposable paper towels, use real cloth ones that you can wash and reuse.

- Recycle what you can: If you can’t reuse or reduce it, recycle it!

Reduce With A Conscious Consumerism

Another important way to reduce your carbon footprint is by being a conscientious consumer. When you buy new products, be mindful of their environmental impact. Buy items that are reusable, repurpose what you can, and make smart purchasing choices.

- Buy reusable, reusable, reusable: This includes things such as reusable water bottles, reusable shopping bags, reusable cloth napkins, reusable shopping bags, reusable food storage containers, and reusable toilet paper or paper towels.

- Shop second-hand: It has never been easier to find great second-hand items than it is today. You can find just about anything online or at your local thrift store.

- Shop ethically: Look for products with eco-friendly certifications to ensure that it has been produced in a sustainable way.

- Buy organic: Buying organic reduces your carbon footprint by keeping harmful chemicals out of the environment.

- Avoid buying things you don’t need: It’s easy to get swept up in marketing and buy things you don’t really need just because they’re on sale. Make sure you don’t fall into this trap.

Reuse Before You Recycle

Before you start throwing recyclable items in the trash, make sure you aren’t able to reuse them first. You can almost always re-purpose something before you throw it in the recycling bin. Here are a few common items you might have around the house that you can reuse before you recycle them.

- Paper bags: While you should use reusable bags, you can also use paper bags if you don’t have any on hand. This is great for things like cute kid’s gifts or for holding snacks for your next party.

- Newspapers: Tear out articles you want to save, then use the rest to wrap breakables, clean your windows or even stuff your shoes for a long walk.

- Boxes: Use empty boxes as storage for your stuff or to create a DIY project in your home.

- Plastic bottles: Before you recycle plastic bottles, wash them out and reuse them for things like storing rice or beans, storing undyed fabric, or even watering your indoor plants.

Repurpose What You Already Have

Another great way to reduce your carbon footprint is by repurposing what you already have. Instead of buying something new, look around your house and see if there’s an item you can re-purpose.

You’ll save money, reduce your carbon footprint, and have less clutter in your home. Here are a few common items you might have around the house that you can repurpose.

- Old towels: Use old towels to clean your car, wrap up breakables, or even as a cat or dog bed.

- Old clothing: Cut up old clothing to use as a dust rag or to clean your computer keyboard.

- Old sheets: Turn old sheets into rags, bandanas, or to use as cleaning cloths.

- Old pairs of shoes: You can repurpose old pairs of shoes as indoor slippers or hold your gardening tools.

Reduce What You Buy

Finally, reducing what you buy is one of the best ways to protect the environment. There are a few ways you can do this. Make sure you’re only subscribing to the items you really need, and cancel memberships you don’t use.

Shop used items and second-hand goods whenever you can, and avoid impulse purchases. You can also reduce your carbon footprint by working on going green at work. These changes can help reduce your carbon footprint and make your workplace a healthier and more sustainable place to be.

These are just a few ways you can decrease your environmental impact at work, and they can also make for a more pleasant work environment for everyone involved. With a little effort and a few changes to your lifestyle, you can significantly reduce your waste output and protect the environment for future generations.

As with any lifestyle changes, it can take some time to get into the routine and find what works best for your individual needs. But once you make these changes, you’ll be amazed at how much of a positive impact they can make.


Sustainability is about more than just being kind to the environment: it can also save you money and help keep your home clean.

By adopting a few simple habits, such as switching to energy-efficient bulbs, you can have a big impact on your electricity bill while also doing your bit for the environment.

These are just a few tips on how to clean sustainably! Following these simple steps can help you minimize your carbon footprint while still keeping your home clean and fresh.

And don’t forget that sustainability starts with yourself – speak up for the environment and inspire others to do their part. Together, we can make a difference!